Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

1. How long have you been a Mom?: 1 year and two days
2. How many children call you Mommy? none, but Brady calls me mamamamamamamama
3. Girl? Boy?: Boy
4. Did you know what you were having? Oh ya
5. How old were you when you became a Mom? 27
6. How long were you in labor? C-Section...never felt a thing :-)
7. What's your favorite thing about being a Mom? Watching Brady sleeping...He is so peaceful.
8. What's your least favorite thing? Not being able to stay home with him everyday
9. Do you want more kids? Yes!
10. Do you plan on having more soon? i dunno
11. How many times have you been pee'd on? a few too many
12. Barfed on? countless times
13. What time of day was your child born? around 2:00p.m.
14. Is your child named after anyone? yes, his mommy and daddy (BRAndi and coDY)
15. How did you come up with his name? actually we liked the name first then realized it was a combo of our names
16. When your child gets in trouble, who is the bad guy? he's one, we really haven't been in trouble yet
18. What is the longest you have been away from your child? two days
19. Bedtime routine? Yes, bath time, lotion, pjs, read a book w/bottle, and rock to sleep
20. Are your toes painted? nope, no time
21. Last movie you saw in the theater? Fools Gold
22. One thing you will not give up just because you're a mom? spending alone time with my husband
23. One thing you did give up now that you're a mom: expensive clothes
24. Best Mom perk: Being a mom!
25. Snack,you sneak bites from your child: right now, most of his stuff is baby food so we don't share
26. When the kid is napping, you are: cleaning
27. Where is your child now? at the babysitter
28. Favorite place to buy maternity clothes? Target
29. If I could do it over... Savour every second..... even the ones I cursed because of exhaustion and frustration


Dawn Jenkins said...

I love sweet. Can't wait to see you on Monday! Give Brady a kiss for me!